Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


The Unhappy Ending of the Mutiny on the Bounty

Posted on September 3rd, 2018 by Adam-Troy Castro

The historical story of the Mutiny on the Bounty has been filmed not three but four times, starting with an Australian film of little consequence except for the appearance of a young Errol Flynn, then moving on to the versions with Clark Gable (still the best), Marlon Brando, and Mel Gibson. In all of those, […]

Our President-Elect Really Has No Earthly Idea What a Boycott Is

Posted on November 20th, 2016 by Adam-Troy Castro

As President-Elect, Donald Trump is already demonstrating that he has absolutely no idea how to ignore or finesse a small embarrassment until it goes away, and giving those of us appalled by his election reason to hope for the results when, as happens to all Presidents, he suffers a major public relations crisis. Now he’s […]


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