Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


Awards and Me, And Awards To Not-Me

Posted on March 1st, 2016 by Adam-Troy Castro

Originally published on Facebook 1 March 2015. Okay, so David Gerrold did his Facebook essay on writing awards; I guess I’ll do mine. It is impossible to accomplish this and completely avoid self-aggrandizement, so I’ll get that out of the way in the first graf. 1) Just to provide the data, I have been nominated […]

From 2012: What you Won’t (and Didn’t!) Find in GUSTAV GLOOM

Posted on January 4th, 2016 by Adam-Troy Castro

Now in the realm of nostalgia, this little essay posted on Facebook 4 January 2012, before I was allowed to provide any public plot details about my middle-grade Gustav Gloom series. Instead I let potential readers know what the books did NOT contain. It functions as a fine statement of personal fantasy-writing principles, and I’m […]

The Thing I Promised Myself, With Gustav Gloom

Posted on November 6th, 2015 by Adam-Troy Castro

I suppose it’s no great spoiler to reveal that in my Gustav Gloom series, it is Gustav who with his friend Fernie What must travel across worlds and endure great hardships to confront that ficton’s villain, Lord Obsidian.C’mon. You can’t have read even one novel before without getting that much from book one. (Though given […]


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