Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


Story Excerpt: “James, In the Golden Sunlight Of the Hereafter”

Posted on May 1st, 2017 by Adam-Troy Castro

Available in the May 2017 issue of Lightspeed. It took James Washington forever, almost literally forever, to remember that his wife and children were as dead as he was. For a while, he barely even realized that he was dead himself. Heaven, for lack of a better word, is bliss, and as anybody who has […]

Story Excerpt: “Shakesville”

Posted on February 19th, 2017 by Adam-Troy Castro

A story by Adam-Troy Castro and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro,, March/April 2017 Analog. The bed is overcrowded with Me again. There is a Me to my left and a Me to my right and another Me curled in a fetal position at the foot of the bed; and there are others passed out with exhaustion in their […]

Story Excerpt: “The Whole Crew Hates Me.”

Posted on December 27th, 2016 by Adam-Troy Castro

Coming in LIGHTSPEED magazine: “The Whole Crew Hates Me.” Excerpt: “They hate me. They have told me this, again and again, starting from almost the first day of the mission, and continuing every day since then, carrying their hostility well outside the confines of the solar system and into the realm of bentspace. Their hatred […]


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