Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


Enough of This Endless Yammering About ‘Heroes”

Posted on May 15th, 2017 by Adam-Troy Castro

Originally Published in Fantastic Stories of the Imagination, February-March 2016. This is not a review of Marvel’s Jessica Jones miniseries on Netflix. It begins there but heads other places. If you insist, I will establish right away that the comic book it comes from, Alias, is one of my all-time favorites, that I think the miniseries […]

I Get More Out of Entertainment than Whiny-Ass Male Bitches Do

Posted on July 18th, 2016 by Adam-Troy Castro

For the life of me, I will never ever understand the whiny male bitches who get upset at female protagonists in action movies. And I’m not speaking from the point of view of ideology. I’m speaking as a lover of stories, a guy who both produces and consumes them. When Laurie Strode proved the one […]


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