Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


My all-time favorite clickbait headline, which has been around for years, just popped up again. I note that I have never clicked on it. But the headline strikes me as so ludicrous that it never fails to raise a smile. “Sketchy Things Everybody Just Ignores about Kaley Cuoco.” Over a furtive-looking thumbnail of the actress’s […]

On The Treatment Trump People Have Been Getting in Public Places

Posted on June 24th, 2018 by Adam-Troy Castro

A proud military man of my acquaintance writes, “I don’t know why people say liberals are so tolerant, when they act like this! “Me and some of my buddies were in uniform, but off-duty, at a casino in the desert. The elite types also patronizing the place stared daggers at us, but we weren’t having […]

Like No Business I Know

Posted on June 18th, 2018 by Adam-Troy Castro

According to Ann Coulter, the crying, traumatized children in these internment camps are actors. This would normally be my place to provide you with a nice paragraph of eloquent invective about the woman I’ve considered a loathsome monster for years now. However, none of that will provide much in the way of enlightenment about anything […]


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