Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


Absolutely No Argument. Apu Must Leave THE SIMPSONS. But How?

Posted on April 10th, 2018 by Adam-Troy Castro

Thirty years late, this white guy comes to the belated recognition that the SIMPSONS character, Apu, has always been a hurtful force in our time. I am human enough to confess that I always liked him. No, he wasn’t used much except for five minutes at a time, but there were a couple of stories, […]

Writing the Genres With Or Without Humanity

Posted on March 26th, 2018 by Adam-Troy Castro

Originally published on Facebook 27 March 2017. I value great horror fiction as much as I value great science fiction, and in some ways even more, in large part because it functions as science fiction’s reciprocal complement. The subject, at core, is humanity. Horror diagnoses the problem. At its best, science fiction provides the prescription. […]

The Magic Store Is Out Of Business

Posted on January 19th, 2018 by Adam-Troy Castro

Originally published in Fantastic Stories of the Imagination, January 2017. You know what kind of stories we don’t see much of, anymore, in print or visual media? Well, that’s actually one of those questions possessed of multiple answers, and always will be, because the fact of the matter is that certain sub-genres fall in and […]


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