Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


Story Excerpt: “Blurred Lives”

Posted on December 17th, 2017 by Adam-Troy Castro

The new Draiken story appears in the Jan/February 2018 ANALOG. Here, the first couple of pages: Reunited after years of separation, the two old enemies Draiken and Thorne somehow refrain from killing one another and instead take to traveling together. They are strange companions, neither strangers nor friends, occasional sex partners but not lovers. The […]

Story Excerpt: “A Touch Of Heart”

Posted on July 9th, 2017 by Adam-Troy Castro

From “A Touch of Heart,” by Adam-Troy Castro and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, available on 11 July from Lightspeed Magazine.  The gate-keeper left his post. A long time later he returned, a curious rictus on his face, and without a word opened the gate. “Su Feiyan will see you now,” he announced with absurd formality, and closed […]

Story Excerpt: “The Narrow Escape Of Zipper-Girl”

Posted on June 12th, 2017 by Adam-Troy Castro

Imminent in NIGHTMARE Magazine: “It was her zipper that drew me to her. She was beautiful enough, according to what most people seemed to consider beauty. She had a black buzz cut, the kind of body that gives the impression of lankiness even on someone petite, a complexion pale as milk, and an overbite that […]


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