Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


Tolerance for Cthulhu

Posted on January 20th, 2019 by Adam-Troy Castro

Origingally pulished on Facebook in 2015. My mind just drew an interesting mental parallel between the Lovecraftian protagonist exposed to some cosmic terror so vast that it drives him mad, and the crusader who claims to have injured by exposure to offensive language in fiction, or depictions of gay people on movies or television. The […]

My all-time favorite clickbait headline, which has been around for years, just popped up again. I note that I have never clicked on it. But the headline strikes me as so ludicrous that it never fails to raise a smile. “Sketchy Things Everybody Just Ignores about Kaley Cuoco.” Over a furtive-looking thumbnail of the actress’s […]

The Historical Precedent for George Soros Conspiracy Theories

Posted on October 15th, 2018 by Adam-Troy Castro

This George Soros thing. This “shadowy billionaire, influencing the left” thing. I have already addressed the ridiculous claims that that he was a collaborator with the Nazis. I could again, here. I won’t go into the same detail I have, because I want to rush to the next bit. Suffice it to say, in summary, […]


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