Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


Mr. Trump: It is Not the Job of San Juan’s Mayor To Praise You

Posted on September 30th, 2017 by Adam-Troy Castro


President Trump,

you raging narcissist,

you clueless child,

you bigoted fool,

It is not the job of San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin to offer you political shade.

It is not her job to praise whatever rescue efforts you can be shamed into grudgingly offering, or to give you that one thing you prize above all else, the thing you coo over like Sméagol with his Precious, “Good reviews.”

She is not calling attention to what she sees as your failure at emergency response out of a sheer political grudge.

I know you see the Presidency as a kind of real-world video game where you win by scoring charisma points, a contest you play at the lowest possible setting. But she is not a raging narcissist, a clueless child, or a bigoted fool, and she does not score her job as Mayor the same way you have always scored yours as human being. Whatever else her performance as mayor might have been — I don’t know — she follows a different standard.

She sees people sweltering in the heat.

She sees people clamoring for evacuation.

She sees people drinking contaminated water because they have no other choice.

She sees people dying.

Only an evil piece of crap would think that her top priority should be your poll numbers.

President Trump,

you raging narcissist,

you clueless child,

you bigoted fool,

you have tweeted that the workers of Puerto Rico “want everything done for them when it should be a community job.”

How dare you.

The people in Puerto Rico’s interior who saw their loved ones buried in wreckage did not “want everything done for them.” They began digging, with their bare hands if nothing else was available. The people in Puerto Rico’s interior who saw their ailing and elderly weakening in the aftermath for lack of water and medical care did not “want everything done for them;” they fanned out, searching for help, carrying the vulnerable on their backs if they had to . When the story of how common, everyday people on that poor island rose up and did what they could with their hearts and their voices and the power of their arms is finally told, it will be clear that they always knew it had to be what you accuse them of not contributing to, a “community job.” But the people in Puerto Rico’s interior who had to flee areas endangered by rising waters, and those who were too sick or too old or too injured and too trapped to do so, did not “want everything done for them;” they had to trust in the gap between what they could do and what they could not do being filled by the accords of civilization. That’s what civilization is for, you despicable piece of crap.

People are dying, you tragic, raging buffoon.

They are dying now and even if you exceed any possible expectations for emergency response, they will continue to die for some time to come.

Any even slight deficiency on your part — and your deficiencies are not slight — will have a cost in human capital.

Whatever good the rescue workers are doing in this island you have defaulted before, and I am sure their efforts are heroic, your characterization of the people of Puerto Rico as a monolithic mass who “want everything done for them” is a racist dog whistle, an absolute giveaway that to your mind they are lesser beings who should only be grateful for whatever aid you deign to provide. But then your tweets also confirm something that was evident before but rarely illustrated with such stark gravity: that to your mind the people of Puerto Rico don’t really exist, anyway. Like everything else, like everybody else, like the lives of the people I know and care about, they only amount to the degree to which they burnish or detract from your legend. If they don’t give you “good reviews,” if they don’t rise from their huddled misery and confirm that you’re the “best President ever, trust me,” then they are part of the conspiracy that persists in making up all the “Fake News” that is your only working explanation for any criticism of your performance.

This is megalomania, sir. This is sociopathy.

But since you likely don’t know those words, as they appear in the books you’ve eschewed your entire life,

Here is how you would put it.


Either way, it is again not Carmen Yulin’s job to lie to the press and say that you’ve magically fixed everything, already.

She is bigger than that.

She is more human than that.

She is truer than that.

She is your better.

You should stop worrying about you reviews for five minutes and do what you’re told.

9 Responses to "Mr. Trump: It is Not the Job of San Juan’s Mayor To Praise You"

  1. Shared.

  2. I cannot “Like” this post enough! Well said and shared.

  3. ATC, a wordsmith HERO !!

  4. Thank you for the TRUE words !! You are like a beacon of truth in this matter !

  5. Mad because I am mad at the NEED for the post, at the need our poor citizens in PR have. . . at the assbutt of a CiC.

  6. I cannot like this enough. Bravo sir!

  7. Shared.

  8. Well said!

  9. The man is an oxygen thief.

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