Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


How To Make A Film Unworthy of Schwarzenegger’s Acting Skills

Posted on July 29th, 2017 by Adam-Troy Castro

Last night’s experiment in using editing to produce a performance on Netflix Disk: this year’s AFTERMATH, which features Arnold Schwarzenegger and somebody named Scoot McNairy. What a career coup for McNairy, eh? Alas, no. Co-starring with Schwarzenegger no longer means what it once did. This film is direct-to-video, arriving without fanfare on the shelves of […]

The Heartwarming Detail We’re Both Happy To Say We Can’t Remember

Posted on July 25th, 2017 by Adam-Troy Castro

This is both a true story in the lives of my wife Judi and myself, and one of our most beloved memories of our time together, but it happens to be missing a key detail, a detail that we are both happy to say has faded into the mists of memory. In 2002, the year […]

“What if I Told You” There Was Another Way to Impart Exposition?

Posted on July 21st, 2017 by Adam-Troy Castro

Thing that I am getting awfully sick of, in dramatic presentations of sf/fantasy works. Honestly, if I ever see this again, it will be too soon. The exposition-sentence that begins with, “What if I told you–” Usually followed by something that sounds batshit insane to the person who’s been living a normal life until that […]


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