Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


Some Guy in Malaysia Knows What WALKING DEAD Character You Are

Posted on January 26th, 2017 by Adam-Troy Castro
I took the test:

“Which Member of the Justice League are you?”

and the result was,

“Don’t be fucking stupid. You’re not a member of the Justice League. There’s no way ten vaguely phrased questions can possibly equate you to a fictional character from a goddamned comic book. Don’t you have ever better things to do with your time?”

I took the test:

“Which incarnation of The Doctor are you?”

and the result was,

“You’re bloody dense. You’re absolutely bloody dense. This is a goddamned click trap. For the opportunity to have some fucking two-finger computer program say you’re David Tennant, you said yes to having to some Malaysian data miner enjoy full access to your personal information. Do you give to Nigerian Princes too?”

I took the test,

“Which cast member of THE WALKING DEAD are you?”

and the result was,

“Jesus. Alright. You’re Lori, okay? Choke on it, why don’t you.”

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