Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


My Annual Shameless Award-Whore Post

Posted on December 14th, 2016 by Adam-Troy Castro

With the understanding that you should not vote for me only because you like me, or because you’re a friend of mine, or because you like my blogging on Facaebook, or because you liked that other story I wrote that time,

that you should vote for *these* only if you are totally blown away by these stories,

I hereby provide a handy-dandy single-stop reference to my award-eligible work from 2016.

I have spared you a couple of links to work that I like but that strike me for whatever reason as not quite worthy of award consideration. This is still a complete list of my publications for the year.


“The Old Horror Writer” , NIGHTMARE MAGAZINE, May 2016. Horror.

“The Four Haunted Houses” , NIGHTMARE MAGAZINE, September 2016. Horror.

“Framing Mortensen,” WHAT THE #@&% IS THAT?,  November 2016. Horror.

“The Refrigerator in the Girlfriend, “ UPSIDE DOWN (Apex Anthology).  Science Fiction. This file is my draft and may contain a few rough spots later cleaned up in copyediting.

“The Assassin’s Secret,” LIGHTSPEED MAGAZINE, August 2016. Fantasy.


“The Coward’s Option,” An Andrea Cort novella, ANALOG magazine, March 2016. (Uncorrected RTF file). Science Fiction. My favored of this year’s two novellas.

“The Soul Behind the Face,” a Draiken novella, ANALOG, October 2016.  Science Fiction.


GUSTAV GLOOM AND THE CASTLE OF FEAR, Grosset and Dunlap. Middle-Grade. (No link, as I cannot give you the whole book for free, but I am proud of it).

2 Responses to "My Annual Shameless Award-Whore Post"

  1. Best of luck, Adam… and thank you for making award-whoring cool again! 🙂

  2. And this link has links to BOTH novellas in more readable form.

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