Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


An Honest Answer To A Stranger’s Attempt at A Withering Question

Posted on June 15th, 2016 by Adam-Troy Castro

I am not a strong swimmer.

You can tell that from looking at me. I don’t have the body of a swimmer. I look like what I pretty much am, in bodies of water: a buoy.

But I enjoy doing things that look like swimming, to the point that I maintain (falsely to the wider world, but accurately insofar as the activity’s effect on me) that it is impossible to remain depressed in a swimming pool.

It cheers me up and energizes me.

And one of things I like doing, in my undignified paddles back and forth across the deep end, is dive to the bottom.

I like being underwater. I know a lot of much stronger swimmers who don’t. They panic too easily. But making my way back and forth across a pool, I absolutely love pausing in mid-lap to flip around, position myself vertically, and head straight for the bottom.

As part of this operation, I wind up sticking both my fat legs straight up in the air.

So on one recent visit to the pool, after about twenty minutes of this, I take a momentary break and am confronted by a pinch-faced, disapproving woman stretched out on one of the lounges.

“You,” she said, in a tone meant to be withering. “Do you like being a child?”

I gather at once that I am supposed to be shamed by this.

So I give her the answer it deserves. “Yup. Absolutely. But more importantly, why don’t you?” 

14 Responses to "An Honest Answer To A Stranger’s Attempt at A Withering Question"

  1. *applause* Do NOT mess with an author.

  2. beauty answer. 🙂

  3. Perfecto!

  4. “Yes, a child raised by pearl divers!”
    No, your answer was better. 🙂

  5. My withering question: Why the hell does she care?

  6. And you remain one of my favorite little kids!

  7. Great answer! Am proud to know you Adam, even if it’s just via FB and reading your books…

  8. “When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” —C. S. Lewis

  9. It’s never wise to poke the bard.

  10. I wish I could buy you a cup of coffee my friend 🙂 Sure, I could buy ANOTHER book and hope the pennies get to you, but still… Thanks again for making me smile 🙂

  11. Well played!

  12. You missed an opportunity to stick out your tongue as well…

  13. Bravo!

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