Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


My Interview With Donald Trump

Posted on March 25th, 2016 by Adam-Troy Castro

“I will do this!” “How?” “I have a history of doing things! I will do this and I will be terrific at doing it!” “Yes, but how?” “I’m telling you, I will do it the second I’m put in a position to do it!” “And I’m asking you, how?” “Look! It’s not that difficult! Day […]

Backstage Before A Concert by Britain’s Most Fecal Band

Posted on March 25th, 2016 by Adam-Troy Castro

Originally published on Facebook 25 March 2014. My pal George Peterson informs me that narrative dreams are not dreams, but actually tales we come up with in a semi-waking state based on the unconnected frag…ments of the night before. I absolutely buy this. It makes sense. And it dovetails with personal experience. It still *feels* […]


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