Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


Imaginary Accomplishments

Posted on September 17th, 2015 by Adam-Troy Castro

“When it comes to my brother,” Jeb Bush asserts, “there’s one thing I know for sure. He kept us safe.”

Really. The worst attack on American soil, in the history of the nation; a great American city left to drown for a week, while the President remained unaware of images that the rest of the country had been seeing on television for years; a war fought against the wrong country, based on a conclusion independent of evidence; the Mid-East destabilized even by that standards of that region, by a war that was supposed to be cakewalk, paying for itself, where we would be greeted as liberators.

This is an odd definition of safe.

How could Jeb Bush say this and not be hooted off the stage?

He can because,historically, the Republican party has made a habit of trumpeting accomplishments that exist only because they were able to muster sufficient confidence while declaring they existed.

Examples would be multiple under Reagan: “He made America great again!” Okay, that’s a slogan. It means nothing; it’s just an attitude, and it only comes from the people who are willing to believe in it. “It’s morning in America.” Thank you for saying so, where’s the data? “He restored our pride.” He sold it as a commodity, and meanwhile, he gave away the country.

Bush’s “He kept us safe!” is just as much an unsupported declaration and one that pretty much flies in the face of observable history. Right now they’re running on, “We want our country back,” and it begs the question, “back from who?” This is all stuff that is just adorable to folks who accept the slogan but never ask the next obvious question.

In any event, I would not object to the claim that George W. Bush immediately mustered the country’s spirit, at a rough time; that is true, though it also remains true that he committed the most heinous act of any U.S. President, ever, by using false intelligence to send us after the country that he’d wanted to attack all along, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians and completely destabilizing the region in ways that still afflict us today. The specific phrase, “He kept us safe,” remains a lie and obscene joke, the equivalent of Herbert Hoover partisans saying, “He kept us prosperous.”

One Response to "Imaginary Accomplishments"

  1. Katrina was enough of an example for me to say, WHAT PLANET IS HE ON?

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