Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.



Posted on August 11th, 2015 by Adam-Troy Castro

“Despite what we’re so frequently shown in movies, not all of life’s worst news arrives on a dark and stormy night, with thunder and lightning for company.

Some terrible news arrives on glorious summer days, sometimes even in the well-lit kitchens of Fluorescent Salmon houses.

For instance, outside the home of the What family, the light was bright and golden, the grass lush and green. The air rang with the joyful melodies of birdsong and the distant laughter of neighborhood children. All was right with the world.

Inside the house, the famous world adventurer Nora What stood reading a very strange and frightening letter from her missing ten-year-old daughter Fernie….”

For more, read GUSTAV GLOOM AND THE INN OF SHADOWS, out today!

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