Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


If Obama Were To Declare War on Texas

Posted on May 7th, 2015 by Adam-Troy Castro

If Obama were to declare war on  to Texas, if he could somehow give the order and make it stick without everybody below him questioning his sanity, if he were able to persuade them that this was a good idea, if the upper echelon at the Pentagon were to refrain from open revolt, if the logistics for the operation were to spread through the many many hundreds or thousands of people who would have to know about it just to start without even one whistleblower going to the media, if this was somehow to be kept from any of the Texans among them, if nobody said that we could barely hold on to countries the size of Iraq or Afghanistan without getting bogged down in open revolts, if nobody said that the conflict would go on for years, if nobody said that it was madness for a country to invade territory it already has, if nobody said that the media would crucify him, if nobody said that the other 49 states would rise up to stop him for fear of being next, if nobody were to say that he would lose all the legitimacy he has both domestically and internationally, if nobody were to say that the death toll among military and civilians would swiftly reach five figures and would keep rising until it dwarved the Civil War, if nobody put a bullet in his head, and if the orders came down past the higher officers to the lower officers to the enlisted grunts and every single goddamned one of them were to nod their heads and say, “Sure, whatever you say, boss,” and buy into the insanity, if in short Obama were to make this order stick without a single whiff of rebellion and it went ahead and happened…

…it wouldn’t be a matter for debate in town halls, you morons.

If Obama were to decide to invade Texas, your misspelled poster-board signs would not do a damn thing to stop him, and there’d be no point in trying to stop him with your household guns, because he has planes and bombs and most of you would be dead pretty much right away. But mostly, you idiots, it would not be a subject for debate. Because there would be no possibility of denying it. It would be happening.

12 Responses to "If Obama Were To Declare War on Texas"

  1. Of course nobody else would object or blow the whistle! Because TEXAS. We’ve been wanting to stick it to them for YEARS. PAYBACK FOR GWB.

  2. Can we just put up a wall around TX, and force them to become a republic again?

  3. Why not give Texas back to Mexico?! 🙂

  4. I don’t think Mexico would want them.

  5. Indeed.

    Not that any such considerations would abate the gibbering one whit.

  6. Isn’t it fun to dismantle paranoid fantasies?

  7. Drop a nuke on Texas and blow it back to 1836, if not earlier.

  8. Aww come on now, don’t trash my beautiful state. That’s damning the multitude for the idiocy of the few. I know the broad brush is handy it’s human nature to pick it up and paint.. but the high road ( where you travel naturally and gracefully) demands that you pity us for our irrational fears– and pray for us to be enlightened.

    : )

  9. Cindy Jones – I apologize. But I get my broad brushes from the Lowe’s up the street from me.

  10. REX– I thank you most sincerely. I do understand you–we are alike….as human beings. Alas, my own pockets are full to spilling with the loathsome implements.
    : /

    I must oft remind myself that I ALWAYS end up kicking myself when I’ve wielded any one of them.

  11. If Obama took over Texas, would he tell Pam Gellar to leave the poor Muslims alone?

  12. Rex: The only problem with that plant is that Texas is STILL in 1836.

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