Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


Lucky Mckee’s THE WOMAN: A Quick Review

Posted on February 24th, 2012 by Adam-Troy Castro

A Remake Chronicles Extra by Adam-Troy Castro Last night’s ferociously visceral horror movie from Netflix: THE WOMAN, directed by Lucky Mckee, from the novel by McKee and Jack Ketchum. It became notorious when a viewer at a film festival stood up in rage and started excoriating the rest of the audience for watching what she […]

An Awful Clunk: Sidney Poitier and Bobby Darin in PRESSURE POINT

Posted on February 19th, 2012 by Adam-Troy Castro

A Remake Chronicles Extra by Adam-Troy Castro Y’ever see an old movie that’s clearly well-made, clearly well-meaning, clearly a work of the human conscience…that suddenly strikes a note so discordant with your modern sensibility that you cannot help wince? I see a lot of old movies, and am sometimes forced to overlook or forgive such […]

Don’t Mess With The Queen

Posted on February 17th, 2012 by Adam-Troy Castro

A Remake Chronicles Extra by Adam-Troy Castro The following was written many years ago, in response to the Harrison Ford vehicle Air Force One. The imminent release of Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter abruptly makes it timely again. Ladies and gentlemen, a coming attraction. – ATC Shot 1: An elegant castle somewhere in England. Lots of […]


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