Adam-Troy Castro

Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Stories About Yams.


God Was Not the Main Character of Steve Martin’s THE JERK

Posted on March 24th, 2016 by Adam-Troy Castro

Originally a blog post from 2007.

I heard of someone complaining, today, that God had been “insulted” when his name was accidentally left off some pressings of the new dollar coin.

I find it hilarious that anybody would actually believe that God cares about having his name on a coin.

I mean, look at this guy.

He’s the putative author of the number one best-seller in publishing history. There are paintings of him all over Europe. They’ve made more movies about his doings than about any other historical personality. All over the world, people stop whatever they’re doing, sometimes multiple times a day, to tell him at length how great he is. In fact, they shout out his name during sex.

The average celebrity would say, okay, at this point, I think I’ve arrived, it’s time to let the new kids have some cred. I mean, once you got all this going for you, who would care about having your name on a coin?

And yet, certain people would have us believe that he deeply cares about getting his name printed on our money, as well.

I think they have a mental image of Him sitting up there, on His throne, receiving the latest version of the United States dollar coin, and jumping up and down with excitement to see that He’s made it again, like Navin Johnson cavorting in front of Jackie Mason’s gas station, hollering, “The new phone book’s here! The NEW PHONE BOOK’S HERE!”

2 Responses to "God Was Not the Main Character of Steve Martin’s THE JERK"

  1. Most people have a concept of God that would embarrass a backward four year old. They imagine a creator of a universe who sits around worrying if they win a football game or get a new bike. They give Santa Claus more credit.

  2. Well, yeah. Santa has a friggin job.

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